Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Spring Fever and Food

I'm on the hunt for a good tried and true pulled pork recipe. Have this picnic roast in the fridge thawed and don't want it to go do waste.

IM'd a friend of mine, she seems to have some really good recipes and ideas. She told me to put it in a crockpot on high for 6 hrs. Pull it apart, remove the fat and nasty pieces. Put the pork back into the crockpot, add BBQ sauce, 1/2 cup brown sugar, and some onions. Cook on low for 2 more hrs. Will try this.

But, I'm hungry for something else. Maybe its my spring fever brain telling me it wants to grill out again. Wanting to find that rub and that sauce you put on your meat that makes it taste like heaven. I'm super picky about food. If it don't smell or look good, I'm not eating it. Drove my family nuts growing up with this pickiness with food I have. Never liked tomatoes when I was little, still don't; grandpa even tried to get me to eat one with sugar on it. YUCK! Why would anyone want to ruin sugar like that. So, if anyone has that tried and true rub and a kick butt sauce, pass it along.


Spring fever has hit me hard. Started last week. My friend P is getting read to close on a house and move. She's telling me about all the cleaning she needs to do to this new house as well as painting and making it their own. Got me to really looking at my home. UGH! Its a mess. Clutter everywhere. This house is smaller than the last house we had. I thought we had gotten rid of things but apparently we didn't or the clutter had babies. Clutter must be like rabbits.

Started in the kitchen Monday. Boy did I do a great job. Decluttered a lot, with a lot more to go. But I can breathe in there. We can sit at the table without bumping into something. Only a few, and I mean a few items on the counters now. Scrubbed the grout on the counters (Why do people put tile on their counters. Makes into a huge cleaning nightmare. Not sanitary at all.) Brought my bakers rack upstairs. It now hold the microwave, toaster oven, and my cookbooks! Yay! Missed my books.

The rest of the week, gonna start on in the cabinets. Remove things we don't use or need, wash them down, etc. Example of the crap we have and don't need......We have 2 soup tureens. Giving to us by DH's grandma and mom. We don't use them at all, never had. But they were gifts. Talked to hubby about them and wonders of wonders, he agreed with me. (He's a major packrat.) I don't need 7 cutting boards either. 1 or 2 will do. So much stuff. Someone could be in need of my junk. Wish I was Amish, they don't have packrat tendencies. Naw, they don't have modern advancements in their homes. Maybe just a little of their tendencies then. LOL!


Jill said...

So when you're done at your house can you come to mine? I did a "flyladyish" thing today.. i cleared off the dinning room table AND put the stuff where it belongs OMG took a whole 10 mins if that and threw out a bunch of stuff..... maybe you motivated me... hmmmm

momma said...

Uhhh, let me you with your's. Nope, sorry. LOL!