Friday, February 8, 2008

Homeschool Fundraisier

We'd like to take a moment and let you know that our family is now an affiliate of, the only online retailer of educational material and audio books in downloadable format. This means that whenever anybody clicks on the HomeschoolEStore banner (see logo on right -->), and makes a purchase, we earn money! It's that simple. carries hundreds of supplemental educational materials, over 500 audio titles, and even downloadable software, carrying the products of over 70 children's and educational publishers. Because their material is all instantly downloadable, there's no waiting around for your purchase to arrive, no shipping costs, and most of the titles are 30% below retail. You can find anything from parenting resources, to preschool, to college and career placement. So, if your child needs help with fractions, or you need an audio book for your next road trip, visit our site, click on the HomeschoolEStore banner and go shopping. You'll end up with a great product, and you¹ll be helping us out in the process!

And our family will earn 10% of every purchase that you make. Thanks for considering our affiliate status with the next time you need to make an education or audio book purchase.


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