Tuesday, February 19, 2008


So frustrated with the kids and myself. Homeschooling has become a burden with me/us. Its like I can't seem to get them to work, I don't want to sit and hold their hands all the darn day. Why am I feeling this way? Its like the goals we want for our children's schooling don't matter anymore. I just don't want to mess with them anymore. This is such a dis-hearting feeling. I feel like a failure.

Typical day is they get up before me. I can't seem to bring myself out of bed early, shut off the alarm and go back to sleep. Its not like I don't stay up at all hours either. 10:30 is the latest I stay up. I'm tired all the time too. Motivation is out the window with me. The younger boys are watching tv and I plop my butt down to the computer. Its like that thing sucks me in. By 11:30 I'm upset cause they haven't started school and nothing is been done around the house. Is it their fault? NO. Its all mine. So why can't I get organized and motivated?

We were all organized and motivated when school started. Until our "friend's" daughter accused my oldest of grabbing her butt. They made it out to be a sin and crime. It wasn't, my son swears it was an accident. The only person that knows what truly happened is God. I'm leaving that fight up to him. It got so bad that I was talking to a lawyer about it. But because of this, we have our whole schedule thrown out. Never got it back either.

Maybe we need to take a week off and regroup our efforts. I have a program to help keep tabs of our schedule, Homeschool Tracker Plus. Am I making this into a huge undertaking instead of making it simple? Probably. I have a tendency to do that. So, what am I doing wrong? Besides sleeping 10 hrs a day. Taking naps in the afternoon. Wonder if its physical and it can be fixed. Write down on a erase board the kids schedule and tell them this has to be done today. Rewrite it out for the next day each evening? My kids are old enough to be able to work without me sitting with them making sure things get done. So why don't they?

So many questions. Must pray and mediate on this. Any suggestions, please advise.

1 comment:

Jill said...

regroup and start fresh next week. SMILE and relax.... heck i've got one dc and i'm home all day and get hardly anything done like i'd like to. I also get sucked in by the computer.... I think it goes in phases of things go as we expect or things are nothing like we want.