Thursday, September 3, 2009

That isn't GG

My grandma isn't doing well. Her doctor put her into the hospital last Thursday evening for a blood transfusion and to have a surgeon look at her legs (sores caused by poor circulation). The surgeon did what she could for her (cleaned out the wounds), but amputation would be the only way to remove the infection spreading through her body. Monday we got the call that her kidneys are shutting down. They can't do much for her except make her comfortable. Morphine is her best friend at this time. Its hard to see this woman, who was so full of life, diminish day-by-day; hour-by-hour.

We have spent may hours by her bed side these last few days. Or I should say I have. The boys are very close to her and it is so hard for them to see her like this. Zane has said "that isn't GG.".........I totally agree.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Praying for your Grandma.

Side note "yeah your blogging again".