Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A title? What title?

Trying to come up with a routine type schedule is hard. I'll admit it. I don't like to do this, its boring. So my tendancy to procrastinate comes out. But with a little help from FlyLady's website, Motivated Mom's Chore Planner, and other searches on the net to find homeschool schedules...I came up with our own. Yes, this thing will be a work in progress. Yet I'm following KISS. Keep It Simple Sister.

Our basic schedule:
- As we leave in the morning, take your math book or other subject you wish to work on at grandma's while mom is at work.
- When we get home, let the dog out and put the things away we brought with us that morning. Feed dog so he doesn't nibble on our arms as we read. lol.
- Grab what subject you need to work on next. My kids know that Mon & Wed is science and Tue and Thu is history. Or if they need to work on their spelling or grammar book.
- Put all finished papers in the "to be graded folder". I have a metal divider that hangs on the door to the computer closet that holds this folder.
- All subjects must be reviewed over with mom before she deems you are done with school for the day. Until then there is no tv, computer, or electric toy play/viewing.
- After school, evening chores are started.
- A name is put on the calendar of whom is mom's helper. They help prepare supper as well as do the dishes after the meal.
- Bath time for those that wish to bathe at night. (That would be me. The mom. I love a nice hot bath.)

School Routines:
Mon -
Tue - Library/Errand Day
Wed -
Thu -
Fri - Put away day. This is the day we put everything away.
Sat - Field trips and/or fun things to explore or do
Sun - Prepare for a new week or Prep Day. I write up the next weeks lesson plan, grade all papers and file them away in the appropriate folder; I get all the next weeks materials together (do all cutting, photocopying, gathering of books etc.) and put them in the kids' shelf, and last I make a supply list for any of the missing items to get on Tuesday (which is my Grocery and Errand Day).

Household Routines:
Mon -
Tue - Shopping Day
Wed -
Thu -
Fri - Budget/Paper work day. Also my clean out the purse/van day.
Sat - Home Blessing and Family Fun Day
Sun - Spirit renewal , pamper me, and prepare for a new week day.

See. That was easy and I kept it simple. Now I won't feel guilty for not doing something. I don't have a day for zones, I do those as I work on my list everyday with my Motivated Mom's Planner. Mending clothing...same thing or I stop what I'm doing when a button falls off and repair the items right then and there. I don't need a FREE day. To me, that's Sunday. Its my pamper/get ready for the week so I won't be harried day. Also, each kid has their own chores to do either daily or weekly. Youngest takes the trash out every night after supper. Or the oldest runs the vacuum on Sat morning or my middle son loves to do laundry. I use that kid a lot. ;)

Now I need to go find the two younger ones. They ran upstairs when we got home. Looks like a no tv night for them little buggers. Oi! A mother's job is never done.

1 comment:

Jill said...

wow wee wow you go MAMA.

I agree baths are key.. stinky kids are not fun to live with (nor are stinky spouses).

I do chores when ds is napping since he's still at the napping age.. and more when he's in bed for the night.