Wednesday, October 1, 2008


The 2009 Motivated Moms Chore Planners are available! Woot!!! I love these planners. Last year I used the half-sized planner with Bible Study. Can one be more organized than I am after using this little planner. This size worked very well and fit perfectly in my organizer. This year I'm going to try out full-size per day planner. I'll print out a weeks worth and hang them on the fridge. As I finish up a chore, I can check it off my list. Each evening I can remove the finished day's list.

There are eight versions of the Motivated Moms Chore Planner, the full-sized planner with scheduled Bible reading (Read the Bible Through in a Year), the full-sized without Bible readings, half-sized planner with and without the Bible readings scheduled, the full-sized Page Per Day planner (with or without the Bible readings scheduled) and now a *NEW* version half-sized Page Per Day planner (with or without the Read the Bible Through in a Year option).

Click on this link, Motivated Moms Chore Planners, to learn more.

1 comment:

Jill said...

I love mine i used the page a day (full size) and it was nice. It used alot of ink to print but so worht it (i printed six months out at once and hole punched it and into my purple binder it went.

I'll be ordering sooner or later and using your link :)