Sunday, July 20, 2008

Week in review

Work, omgoodness...I forgot about how hard and tired I'd be working. Didn't help that my 4 hr days turned into 8 hrs day. Good for the budget, bad for my body. I'll get used to it though. No worries. The job maybe temporary, we won't know until after the first of next month. That's fine because another job is in the wing waiting for me, I think. Working at a local coffee shop. Be still my heart.

As I'm laying in bed at night thinking of the hundred things I need to accomplish this week. It dawns on me, I have less than a month left til school starts. There are some books I need to order, assignments that need to be scheduled for the kids, daily schedules made up, and supplies organized/bought. Lots of things still left to do. Where did my summer vacation go?

In hind sight, we have had a really great summer so far. No, we didn't get to swim as much as the kids wanted. Nor did we get to go camping like we had planned. But we still had fun. Water balloon wars in the back yard, walks in the park, over nights with friends and their favorite uncle, getting to stay up as late as they wanted one night a week, and more.

With fun, time speeds by. I'm guessing we've had lots of fun this summer.

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