This morning, DS3 came running to me with my Brain Age 2 game. He was competting with DH on some math training, see who could get the highest score, etc. DS was so excited, said: "Mom, look at my score on the math part. I didn't have to think about the numbers, they just popped into my head!" I had to smile, told him that is how you are suppose to do math. All your addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are to pop in your head. The light came on in his eyes. He got it!!! DS ran to tell his dad, his brothers, and I think the dog. He was so proud of himself.
He and I have worked for the last two years on his math. Struggled more like it. It was his weak subject, he just couldn't get multiplication. The kid struggled and struggled with it. No matter what we tried it just didn't pop in his head. Even after all the flash cards, worksheets, games, and whatnot we tried...he just didn't get it. Today he did. All from a different type of game. Competition with his dad. How cool is that?? That little Nintendo DS game was $20 some dollars I spent for me to play with. Instead of being some little game dh an I played, it helped my son learn his mathematics. Priceless.
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