Sunday, June 8, 2008

Weekend update

We are under a state of emergency. Major flooding due to the rains. Either we had rain everyday or every other day. Friday night until Saturday midmorning we received almost 9 inches. It's a mess to say the least. There are houses under water, our grocery store has flood water starting to enter it, roads closed and/or washed away, and the interstate is closed as well as a US Hwy in our town. I'm glad no one has been hurt from it. Only have to deal with the added traffic being rerouted from the Interstate to the US Hwy by us. I'm hoping and praying that the waters dry up so they can reopen the interstate.

DH got home last night. He should have gotten in at 8 pm. Instead, with the rerouting and traffic, he didn't get in until 12:30 am. Said it took him over 2 hrs what would have normally taken 10 mins from where the traffic had stopped. Poor fella. He woke up several times in the night with leg cramps that made him feel as if he was gonna (and I quote) "Cry, puke, or poop." LOL This morning I gave him a banana and a Tylenol.

Got almost everything out of the basement. Lost several things, mostly things we forgot we had and never missed in the first place or was left here by the previous owner and we didn't want them either. Did find we own enough school supplies that we will never ever need to purchase them again. (I think my future grandchildren will not need school supplies from the looks of what we have. LOL) Major savings there. I'm trying my best to not incur more expenses when it comes to homeschooling.

Friday, three support groups in three different counties are getting together for a Used Homeschool Curriculum Sale. I keep finding more and things to sell. Yay me! The money I make on this sale will go into the Homeschool sinking fund. We will use it for any field trips, membership fees, books we may need, etc., that will come up. All in all, I really like this frugal living and planning we do. My family things I'm weird, so I know I'm doing right. ; )

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