Monday, June 2, 2008

Summer Reading

Received via UPS this morning McCall-Crabbs Standard Testing Lessons in Reading. I have two boys that have problems with reading, third son reads better than I do (he's 10). Mostly its vocabulary issues, yet I believe one of them believes in his heart he can't read so he doesn't even try. Being the loving mom that I am, I decided that all of my boys are going to work on their reading abilities this summer with me 3 days a week. This includes vocabulary work. *evil laughter*

I read a link in one of the yahoo groups I belong to (sorry, don't remember which one). The mom explained that she used these books and they really worked. I did my research and found what I was looking for.

McCall-Crabbs Standard Testing Lessons in Reading was originally published back in 1926 and later reprinted in 1961. This tool will help a student improve their reading comprehension. The student is given 3 minutes to read a short section (usually less than 1/2 a page) and answer multiple choice questions. Each lesson is given by ability level. You, the parent, can see quickly how well your child is comprehending in relation to his grade level. The book(s) can be used again and again if you use a piece of paper to write down the answer for the tests. There are five books you can buy. Book A for 2nd Graders, Book B for 3rd graders and so on. Book E measures all the way up to post-college level. I can't wait until my sons are all in level E.

For Vocabulary I have Rummy Roots (bought last year and never used....why do I do this?) and a book called Vocabulary Cartoons SAT Word Power. Rummy Roots is an unique card game designed for students to master 42 Greek and Latin roots. First you need to learn the words and alphabetize them by playing 'go-fish'. Once that is mastered, you move onto Level 1 until you reach Level 3. In Level 1 players combine roots to form English words and practice dictionary skills. Level 2 players try to stump their opponent so dictionary skills are used even more. Lastly, in Level 3 is played like Rummy using three root words to expand their vocabulary and comprehension. The Vocabulary Cartoons book, gives us words and cartoons. Each word has the main word, the link word, a cartoon, a caption, and two or three examples of how the word is used in a sentence. You are given ten words to study and at the end of the week a brief quiz is given to see what your child has remembered. We have laughed at many of the funny cartoons, captions, and meanings.

Well, they just asked to go to the library. Maybe this summer plan will work after all.

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