Its that time again. I personally can't believe our summer has gone by so quickly. To much to do so little time to play. Darn it.
I'm back home again; stopped working about 3 weeks ago. The laundry mountain has become a small hill. The house is starting to look decluttered and more like an inviting home I love. There is major work ahead of me, but with FlyLady and her reminders, I'll get there eventually. (Saw a testimonial about it took a flybaby 6 months to get her home looking nice and it clicked. I don't have to do it ALL today.)
Our oldest asked to return to public school this year. He started Thursday and has said it was great and loves the challenge. I miss him during the day yet I know he needs this. Tomorrow homeschool starts for the two younger ones and me. Yeah me!!
Last week I bought a planner geared for homeschooling parents. Shocking part is I have never used any type of planner/organizer except for her calender in the kitchen. After looking at the samples and examples, it made since to me. "Why didn't I do this before?" Frankly, I thought I didn't need one. Thinking back I never knew what the boys were to do, when it was do, and so forth. This looks like it will keep me focused on what our goals are for each week/month/semester. My plan is every Sunday evening to go through all subjects per kid and write down what we need to do. Be it a test, workbook page, experiment, to a field trip...its going to be planned. What if I can't do something that day because I'm sick or the kids are? There is always tomorrow.
Our major battle this year is going to be finding act ivies for 6th-12th graders. We have support groups in our area, yet they lack activities for the older kids. Doing research on the net I'm finding the same lack of ideas and activities for this group of students. My mission today though, is to find some lessons or ideas geared for 6th - 8th grade on: Bible Study, Indiana State Studies (should have been done in 4th grade get the drift), Spelling, P.E., and Home Ec. The rest of our subjects are already here or soon to be. Need to order 8th grade math yet. Thought I had one where did I put those books?