Monday, May 12, 2008


Now when DH asks a question or mentions something to me, I think on it and ask him more about it the next day to see if he wants to change something. We were talking in Sat night he asks how much do we tithe. I said $20 a week for now and will up it as we get our debt paid off (yes, we have done stupid). He rolled over and fell asleep. I guess the subject was dropped.

Not for me. I thought about it a few times while trying to sleep. Then again the next morning. God was working in me, because I don't know why I asked DH about his tithing comment Sun morning as we were walking out the house to head to church. My mind wasn't on tithing, it was on....are the kids ready? do they have their hair combed good? where is my purse? Etc. Plus my mind can go a million miles a minute on 20 different things...its no wonder I get tongue tied or say something totally stupid.

Here's our conversation (me in light blue): "Do you want to up the tithe?" "Yes I do." "How much? Full 10% or a smaller amount?" "Smaller." "How much smaller? I need a number to work with." "Oh, $30 or so." "How about $40? $40 keeps popping in my head." "Yeah, $40's good." "Do you want to do it this week, I'll have to void a check and rewrite another one." "No, lets start next week."

Gotta love the man. He doesn't say much, but when he talks its important. You want to know the great thing about upping the tithe amount? I'm not afraid to do it. Even though I do the budget, I know our numbers of what we can pay and can't pay...doesn't matter. God will fill the void and make it happen. God is so great.

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