I love snow. My kids love snow. Everyone else in our family, not so much. Lucky for us we are to get 6-8 inches of the lovely white stuff. Can't wait. Keep peeking out the windows to see how much has fallen. I'm worse than a little kid.
Now my friend that lives in TX, I don't think she misses the snow, ice, and cold winter weather at all. She is so sweet to me too, rubs it in. ;) She includes in her emails every now and then, "I wore shorts today". Bahhh! The turkey.
Got another friend in MT that loves snow as much as me. She also gets a lot more of it than we do. Lucky duck.
I think both of them are lucky and blessed in many ways. Their climates and scenery is, in my thinking, beautiful and I'd love to see it one day. I'm sure I will, but until then I'll just have to enjoy it through pictures.
My menu for Feb is completed. Some reason this is harder and harder for me to do. Can't wait until April when I can start planning for grilling out again. May not be able to eat on the deck, but by golly I can cook out there. :D
Even though something may be scheduled for a certain day, it may not happen that day either. I could over sleep or have to run errands, or something else; start the day out off and by the time supper should be served I'd be scratching my head wondering what to fix. Yes, this happens to me a lot.
Cubed Steak in gravy sauce (crockpot), mashed taters, veggie
Chicken Fettuccine, green beans, homemade bread
Hashbrown soup
Overnight French Toast, strawberries, sausage links
BBQ Chicken Packets, salad
Pigs in a blanket, fries
Pepper Steak, mashed taters, spinach salad w/diced apples & walnuts
Loaded baked taters, salad
Spaghetti, garlic toast, salad
Beef n' noodles, mashed taters, green beans
Biscuits and gravy
Beef Stew
Pizza (Jacob's 10th birthday) he also wanted mashed taters and brown gravy, talked him out of that.
Meatball Subs, Chips
Chicken, cheese, and rice casserole
Mini Meatloaves, mac & cheese, spinach
Dinner out - Derek's and my 13th anniversary...no kids allowed
French Toast Bake, sausage links
Beef roast, taters/carrots
Chicken Enchiladas
Crockpot BBQ pork sandwiches
Eggs, cheesy taters, bacon
Chicken sandwiches
Italian Beef sandwiches
Lasagna, garlic toast
Grilled ham & cheese, soup
Chicken n' dumplings
Meatloaf, ?
Chicken Pizza
Most things will be made in the crockpot. I try my best to cook from scratch, some times though, we have cravings for the processed stuff.
Very excited night. Feel like a kid in a candy shop. Got my website up and running. Its under construction at the moment, but we will be good to go in a few days.
Now, I'm still learning how to create and set up web sites. Just started working with a friend that offered me a job doing this. I walked through a set up with him last week, took notes, and thought I had everything under control. LOL!! Could I have have been more wrong.
Here's how my afternoon started:
Right after lunch I received an email stating that everything was a go, my domain name was established, I had the go ahead to load up the program to run my new web site. Ok, I can do this. Dug out my notes, opened up a web browser and my other program to start work. My web information wouldn't load. 20 minutes later, I found the problem. You need to put the dot com after the domain name. Ahhh, that makes more since. Updated notes, check. Got busy working on the other steps. Not even 1/2 way into it, domain name and/or password didn't work. hmmm...what's wrong here. 10 minutes later realized my notes were wrong. Updated notes, check. Fixed problem and moved on. That was the story of my day. If I couldn't figure out my problem I had to email my friend too. Then wait forever for him to reply back. IM would have been quicker dude!
In the middle of my working, interruptions happen all the time. I have three kids that I homeschool. DS3 (youngest) needs to tell me about what he just read. Not only does he have to tell me; he has to demonstrate it too. Because BS3 has my undivided attention, our dog Bree thinks he's being left out. Jealous and trying to be cute, he tried to climb into my lap. Bree is a huge dog and to add to it I'm sitting on the computer chair. Chaos insues until I get tired of it all. Dog goes out, I assign Jacob something else to do, back to my task at hand. Oh, wait. The dyer hasn't buzzed in a while, need to check on the clothes. Walk through the kitchen and see a mess one of the kids made. When did they do this? They are working on their assignments...maybe I need to watch them more closely.
Holler at them to see who made the mess. DS2..."Oh I forgot". "Well then get in here and clean it up". March myself to the basement, clothes are still damp. Need to have hubby look that the heating element. Turn the dryer on for 30 minutes. Go back up stairs and think I need to sweep the stairs, they are getting dusty. NO...focus on what you are doing. DS2 is eating, not cleaning up when I get to the top of the stairs. grrrrr.... after a quick talk he starts cleaning it up.
At 10:30 tonight I finally get the darn website set up. WHEW!! Think I can still walk...my butt hurts though. This chair isn't made for sitting too long in it.
As for my plans for the site; wanting to sell forms for budgeting or household chores that I created (some things maybe for free) and selling my crochet items that I make. Got a girlfriend that knits and she's thinking of putting her items on my site too. Between the both of us, we just might have a little business on our hands. Until then, I will hold off putting the web address on here. Want to get it set up first.
New blog up and running. Not that I doubted myself, but you never now when my computer will decided to give me issues. It loves to mess with me. Ever get in a hurry to do something? Well, my computer likes to, at that particular time; move slowly, freeze up for a minute, move slowly again...all the while I'm screaming at it. Stupid computer, should be put in time out when it does this. "Sit on that desk until you behave!" Showed him, didn't I?
Well this blog is going to be about me, myself, and I. Whatever happens to me during any given day. Could be me ranting my way through life, homeschooling my kids, grumbling about the prices of things, our budget and /or lack of money, or what faze of the moon it is today. You will never know what I will write about because I don't know. :D
Sit back and buckle your seat belts; cause we are in for a great ride!